Not Your Typical Biometric

Unlike biometric, FIDO keeps network authentication safe

Local vs FIDO Biometric Authentication

Local vs FIDO Biometric Authentication Graphic.

Local Biometrics vs FIDO Authentication

Local Biometrics

Does not apply to network authentication
Vulnerable to scalable attack on the server
Exposed to phishing threats
Does not meet SCA requirement

FIDO Authentication

Standardized strong authentication protocol
Elimination of authentication secrets
Non-phisable credentials
PSD2 and GDPR compliant

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During the meeting, we will show you the key features of TuringSign FIDO, answer your questions and discuss how we can help you with your use cases.

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    Next Steps

    1. Validate Domain (Authenticate domain depending on which method you choose)

    Check the email that has been sent to you. To confirm the domain ownership rights for your certificate, you need to copy the validation code from the approval email, follow the link in it and paste the validation code into the corresponding field.

    From the email, please click the link to the verification page, Once in the verification page, please enter the code provided in the email for verification.

    That’s it!

    After you have completed verification, a confirmation email will be sent to you. And shortly after, an issue confirmation will be sent to you via email. You can follow the link to the portal to download your newly issued certificate.

    If you have followed the steps above and did not receive an approval email to your mailbox, please click the link to the portal and double check your validation method or contact us for help. 

    Another way of verifying a domain is DNS (TXT record) Verification. If you selected DNS Authentication as your verification method, you will receive a unique TXT record via email consisting of two parts:

    • 1. Name: Name/Host/Alias/TXT: Blank or @
    • 2. Value/Points to/Destination:”wisekey=XXXXXXX”
    • TTL: This is your TTL (Time-To-Live) value. Set it to 3600 or lower.

    Verify by adding a TXT record in your DNS. Please verify and check if you have added the correct record

    Please submit a requestfor support if you face any issues.

    Depending on your DNS provider, You may have to wait for at least an hour for the changes to take effect in the DNS Servers. You will be notified via email when the domain is verified.

    The third method of verifying a domain is HTTP File Upload Verification. After choosing File Authentication as your verification method, you will receive an email and be asked to download a unique verification file (Format: .txt) and upload it to a specific directory on your web server.

    Verify by uploading the attached file fileauth.txt in your web server as follows:

    • 1. Download the text file fileauth.txt (attached with the email).
    • 2. Upload the above file (fileauth.txt) to your host in this EXACT path:

    You may have to wait for at least an hour for the changes to take effect in the validation services. You will be notified via email when the domain is verified.

    Please submit a request for support if you face any issues.

    2. Receive Confirmation (After validation an email will be sent with a link to certificate)

    3. Download certificate and upload to hosting

    Notice: After generating a CSR,
    1. Copy the Private KEY and keep this to yourself for reference.
    2. Copy only the CSR above and use(paste)
    in to request your TS Certificate.
    3. Click the top left button to close.